

Concept of  Desertification.
            There is an oversimplication that desertification is caused by a long-term decline in rainfall and aided by human activities  such as overgrazing ], burning and deforestation.
            Desertification suggests an irreversible conversion of non-desert  conversion of non-desert  whereas degradation implies quite severe changes, but changes which can be reversed after a few rainy reasons and careful management. In addition degradation implies  the use of resource in a non-sustainable way. If agriculture is not sustainable, land degradation would take place.
            It refers to the evolution and formation of deserts. It is the creation of desert-like conditions in an area, which previously supported plant life.  It as well refers to the depletion of vegetation and soils in arid lands, leading t desert-like conditions.
            It results in the reduction of the biological potential of  the land,  and therefore reduces the potential of the land to produce food

            UNCOD (United Nations Environment Programme World Conference  on Desertification) defined desertification as a reduction ‘in the biological productivity of the land leading ultimately to desert like conditions.[1]

Process of Desertification.
  • It begins with a decline in the vegetation cover over the land.
  • This can be the outcome of climatic drought or removal of vegetation by different human activities. When the ground has little or no vegetation cover, it means that there is less organic matter to maintain the soil.
  • Organic matter helps the soil to hold water and nutrients. The soil is unprotected if the land has little or no vegetation cover.
  • The land dries up and hardens, preventing water to sink. The removal of soil cover, loss of nutrients, loss of surface and ground water, may all be part of desertification, which leads to land degradation.
  • Land degradation by itself refers  to the reduction of fertility and other good qualities of the topsoil and it is  largely brought about by various human activities.
The Spread of  Desert.
®  Desertification is becoming a major problem in the Global level.
®  One third of the world ‘s population and one –quarter of the total area of the land is    
     affected by it.
® The most areas which are in risk of desert in Africa are all areas south of Sahara, the 
     Sahel region and the countries located in this region include Burkina Faso, Mauritania,      
    Senegal,  Mali, Niger and Chad.
® Other African countries affected by desertification include Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia,    
    Benin and parts of Niger and Kenya. In these areas rainfall ranges from 100 mm to
     500 mm.

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